Does Ravel accept insurance?
No, Ravel is cash-pay only currently, however, we will provide a superbill upon request that you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.
Does Ravel take Medicare/Medicaid?
Ravel does not bill any services through Medicare or Medicaid at this time. However, Medicare patients may work with any Ravel provider on a cash-pay basis who has “opted out” of Medicare and Medicaid patients may work with certain providers on our platform based on designation (i.e., NDs), also on a cash-pay basis.
How will care be provided?
All care will be provided virtually, from the comfort of a patient's home. You can communicate with your provider via phone, video call or secure messaging through the Patient Portal.
Can anyone use Ravel?
While Ravel was created to help people with chronic Lyme and tick-borne disease (and those suffering from acute cases of course too), as well as other complex chronic illnesses, there are certain types of patients Ravel was not designed for. If you have cardiac issues or have been dealing with suicidal thoughts, our virtual platform isn't a good fit. In those cases, please reach out to your primary care physician for a specialist referral or call 911 in an emergency.
Do you offer conventional, functional and integrative care?
Yes, based on your personal philosophy, you will have the option of working with a conventional provider (e.g., pharmaceuticals) or with a functional provider (e.g., herbals), or a hybrid between the two.
Who are the providers on your platform and what are their designations (i.e., MD, DO, ND, NP, PA)?
For reasons we'll go into below, all of our providers are referred to by their first name only (e.g., Dr. Nathan). Please note that all current Ravel providers have at least 6 years of Lyme/mold/complex chronic illness experience, have been interviewed by our Chief Medical Officer, are currently either MDs, NDs, or NPs, and have had the following vetting done: 1) Fingerprint-based criminal history record check in connection with physician licensure 2) License status verification 3) Medical Board (CMB) review for disciplinary action taken by other state agencies, federal agencies and medical boards.
In addition to the above, all providers have a direct line to our CMO to discuss cases, as well as each other during monthly Grand Rounds, where complex cases are brought before the group.
Each patient will be matched with up to 3 providers based upon the state in which they live, along with their responses to the Initial Patient Questionnaire. This is our way of ensuring an appropriate match by combining an individual patient's needs with a provider's experience, areas of expertise, and treatment philosophy.
We do not give out further identifying information on the providers other than what is listed on their Ravel profile. The reason for doing this is two-fold:
- We want to avoid a patient choosing a provider based solely on name recognition.
- We want to be fair to all providers and ensure that everyone is being matched with patients equally based on mutual fit.
Patients will have an opportunity to change providers, with reasonable cause, for a small change fee. And if a provider is no longer in alignment with our core values, we will address the situation individually and decide how to move forward from there.
Our goal will always be to maintain the highest standards of care.
How do you vet your providers?
We currently have a 4-step process for vetting providers (all of our Lyme, mold and complex chronic illness specialists will be either MDs, DOs, NDs, NPs or PAs):
- The Ravel founders have an initial call with potential providers, explain our platform and model and get the initial background of the provider.
- If we think it could be a good fit, the provider will do an introductory call with our Chief Medical Officer, who has a more in-depth conversation around education, training and history of working with Lyme/TBD patients.
- If a provider makes it to Step 3, they then fill out a detailed questionnaire so we have a complete written history, including their licensing information.
- Prospective providers will then do a final interview with our CMO for possible inclusion on our platform.
After all of the above steps are complete, if the provider meets our standards, they will be offered a contract to provide services through Ravel Health.
Do all of your providers have prescriptive authority?
Please note that each state has its own laws and regulations regarding diagnostics and treatment. In some states, there are specific restrictions on the scope of practice for Ravel providers, including limitations on prescribing. These regulations can vary between states and provider types (e.g., MD, NP, ND), which can make understanding them more complex. If you have any questions about how these regulations might apply to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out for clarification.
Can my Ravel provider be my Primary Care Physician (PCP)?
No, Ravel providers are not meant to take the place of your PCP. Ravel providers are specialists who should act as adjuncts to your existing PCP and other care team specialists.
Can I use Ravel to get a 2nd opinion?
The short answer is yes, you can certainly use Ravel to get a second opinion on your symptoms, labwork, an existing protocol, etc. That being said, we do not recommend that patients actively see more than one Lyme specialist at a time. In our experience, it more often than not causes confusion and conflict and tends to be a distraction for patients who are already overwhelmed by their disease.
What is your overarching care philosophy?
Our aim is to meet patients wherever they are in their health journey, offering conventional, functional and integrative paths to healing. We've experienced the pain points first-hand, and we'd like to simplify and streamline access to care, all while making it more affordable for patients.
Perhaps most importantly, we want to have your back. We believe your symptoms are real. We know it's not "all in your head". You're not alone, and we're here to help support and guide you back to optimal health.
What ages do you treat?
Ages treated will differ by provider. Some specialize in pediatrics, while others do not work with children at all. Ravel Health will ensure an appropriate match when pairing patients with providers. Across our providers, we can currently accomodate patients of any age.
Do you treat families?
Yes, our providers do treat families. And we'll make every effort to ensure all family members are treated by the same specialist, unless you request otherwise. Just a note though that not all of our providers treat children. Ravel will take this into account as we do matching, ensuring your provider is comfortable treating whatever ages your children are.
What testing, meds and supplements will be available?
Currently providers have access to everything under the sun, which might sound good on paper, but can add up quickly and contribute to radically different diagnostic and treatment protocols.
We have vetted all of our lab, Rx and supplement partners, and will be offering only the most science-backed, peer-reviewed options. Your Ravel providers will work within this framework, but personalize and customize treatment that is specific to you.
Can I provide past labs and test results?
Yes, you will be able to upload past lab tests and results through your Patient Portal, though we ask that you limit it to the last year (10 max) or the 10 labs you deem most important overall.
How do I schedule consults with my provider?
Once you are matched and have filled out the questionnaire and consent forms and added your credit card info, you can schedule with your provider based on mutual availability. Your provider's calendar openings will be accessible through the Patient Portal and you can schedule through there as needed on a monthly basis.
What happens if I don't use my allotted subscription time in a given month?
Ravel uses a monthly subscription model based on the amount of time you think you'll need. Like any subscription, a monthly gym membership for example, if you don't use it in a given month you are still charged. Ravel will work the same way, so please be sure to utilize the blocks of time you're paying for.
What happens if I miss an appointment?
To be fair and to respect everyone’s time, we have a 24-hour cancellation policy in place. If you are a no-show or cancel within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment, you will forfeit that appointment and still be charged for it. You may choose to reschedule and will be billed accordingly in addition to your monthly plan.
Will there be any other specialists available on Ravel?
Yes, the plan is to add Lyme-literate functional nutritionists, as well as Lyme-literate mental health therapists. We're strong believers that it takes a village and that more minds are better than one. These members of your care team can be added on an a la carte basis (coming soon!).
Can IV therapy and the insertion/removal of PICC lines be requested through Ravel?
Though we recognize the value of IV therapy and PICC lines in certain scenarios, we are not able to order or provide support around these options at this time.
Can I stay on Ravel just to get the Rx/supplement and lab/testing discounts?
Yes, but to do so you must keep an active subscription, in this case our Maintenance Plan. We want to ensure your provider is aware of what you're taking, and that you have access to them if needed, especially if anything changes as part of a protocol or maintenance regimen.
Will you offer in-person visits through Ravel?
No, there will be no in-person office visits offered through Ravel at this time. It might be something we look at in the future, but will not be available in the near-term.
How do I change my subscription?
After your Initial Patient Visit (IPV), you may change your subscription on a monthly basis as needed. The first appointment after your IPV will default to 1 hour, but you may select from 30 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes depending on where you are in your health journey and how much time you need. This process will eventually be automated, but for now, to change your monthly subscription, please contact Jaime at jaime@ravel.health or Kevin at kevin@ravel.health by the 20th of the month, and your change will apply the following month.
What is your cancellation policy?
Knowing how complex chronic illness is, we believe strongly in continuity of care and giving you and your provider an opportunity to set down a path together before moving on. With that in mind, patients can cancel their monthly subscription, change providers or move to our Maintenance Plan after the Initial Patient Visit and 2 consecutive monthly appointments with your chosen provider (so 3 appointments total).
There is a lot of time put into onboarding, both on the patient and provider side, and we firmly believe that at least 3 months is a good amount of time to assess a relationship and see change in your healing.
If after 3 months with your provider you would like to cancel, change providers or switch to our Maintenance Plan, please contact Jaime at jaime@ravel.health or Kevin at kevin@ravel.health in writing by the 20th of the month, and your change will apply the following month.
Who do I contact if I have questions? And what hours are you available?
For medical questions, please contact your provider who, generally speaking, will be available during work hours (e.g., 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. MT). We know open communication can be a major pain point in the Lyme and tick-borne disease world, so we've asked our providers to respond within 3 business days, even if it's just to let you know how their schedule is looking, so please give them that window before contacting us.
If you don't hear from them within that timeframe or if you have any questions on the company, the process, the billing or anything else, please contact us at our personal emails. We will aim to get back to you within 24 hours or less.
- Jaime Intile — jaime@ravel.health
- Kevin Williams — kevin@ravel.health